CNPJ Generator

Generate for free valid Brazilian CNPJ (Tax ID) numbers for use in your software tests

The purpose of the CNPJ generator is to help students, software developers, programmers and analysts in software testing. Misuse is the sole responsibility of the user.

What is CNPJ?

The CNPJ (Tax ID) is the acronym for the National Register of Legal Entities in Brazil.

It is the registration carried out with the Federal Revenue that identifies and regularizes all companies and individuals that use their name for profit.

The registration has company information such as: date of opening, company name (and alias, if any), codes and descriptions of the company's activities (CNAEs), address and registration status.

The main objective of the CNPJ is to legalize the company before its customers and the Brazilian government.

By regularizing as a Legal Business Entity, you have access to various benefits such as loans, financing, issuing invoices, among others.